Veseris Online Store FAQs
Veseris ES Customers
PestWeb Services
- How do I change my password?
- How do I register for PestWeb?
- Can I register an employee or co-worker for PestWeb access?
- I changed employers, how can I change my company information?
- How long does it take for my registration to be processed?
- How do I remove former employees from PestWeb?
PestWeb General Information
- NEW Video (Interactive) courses and how they work
- Can I continue a course I started taking another time?
- There aren't enough online courses to renew my license.
- My license information has changed. How can I update this so it shows correctly on the Certificate of Completion.
- How do I know exactly what my state requires for taking this online training?
- I would like to take a course a second time but don’t want it to replace the results from the first time I took it. How can I do this?